Apple India has partnered up with HDFC Bank to bring down the prices of its iPhones. Customers who purchase select Apple products using HDFC Debit or Credit card can get up to Rs.12,000 cashback. The cashback offers are applicable to select models of iPhone, iPad, Mac and even the Apple Watch. To avail the offer, the customer needs to opt-in for the EMI option. However, Apple Watch buyers can even avail the offer also on non-EMI transactions. Notably, the offer is only available at offline stores.
Customers who purchase an iPhone X can get Rs. 12,000 cashback bring down its price to Rs. 80,430 from Rs. 92,430 for the 64GB variant. iPhone 8 and 8 Plus buyers get a cashback of Rs. 10,000. Older iPhones are also eligible for cashback offers like the iPhone 7 and 7 Plus get Rs. 3,000 cashback. Customers purchasing iPhone 6s or 6s Plus can get a cashback of Rs. 2,000 while the iPhone 6, iPhone SE and iPhone 5S buyers can avail a cashback of Rs. 1,000.
Also Read: Apple Airpods and TV get massive cashback offers, Here’s what you need to know
The offer is already available via offline stores and will available until March 11, 2018. The cashback will be credited to the customer's HDFC account within 90 working days.
Currently, Apple iPhone X and iPhone 8 series are available on discount via e-commerce websites like Flipkart and Amazon. Amazon India is also offering additional 10 percent cash back on purchases made via an HDFC card. Similarly, Flipkart is offering 10 percent cash back on Citibank Debit or Credit cards.
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