Modern cars are quite intricate and one needs to take time to learn how to diagnose some of the car problems they encounter daily. However, other problems may be quite complex for the driver to diagnose on their own without professional help. Sometimes you could be driving fast and all of a sudden, your car indicator will turn on and demand that you “Check Engine”. When this kind of problem occurs, how should you go about it? How do you start to find out the source of the problem? Well, this is where the OBD2 code reader comes in handy to help you.
In this article, we shall examine what steps you need to take while using the OBD2 code reader. This will help you know some of the things you can do when you use the code reader.
First, find the menu
When you are done selecting your car model and other required information for the code reader, you will have to wait for the reader to boot up and then find the Menu. For you to diagnose your car engine problems, select the “codes” or the “Trouble Codes” on the main code Menu of the OBD2 reader. Here, your reader could present you with system choices such as Transmission, Powertrain/Engine, Brakes, Airbags, and so on. Pick any of these choices and you will see more codes. These are Active Codes or Pending Codes. Live codes refer to the malfunctions that are keeping the Check Engine lights on.
The Pending Codes refer to a failed OBD2 monitoring system operation and therefore in case it fails another time, then the Check Engine light will turn on.

What do the letters mean?
The diagnostic codes start with a letter. Here are some of them:
The letter P
This letter stands for the Powertrain and has the largest number of codes. The codes in this range refer to problems associated with the engine. Here, you can get codes associated with transmission problems, emissions, ignition problems, and fuel systems, among others.
The Letter B
This letter in the codes refers to problems associated with airbags, power seating, seat belts, and more.
The Letter C
This refers to the issues related to the Chassis. Here, you will find codes that cover brake fluids, axle, ABS, and others.
The Letter U
This covers issues in your vehicle that have to do with Undefined problems or issues with the vehicle.

Common Diagnostic Codes
Code P0420- this code refers to a problem with the catalytic converter. This can be diagnosed and repaired by experienced professionals.
Code -P04976: this coder refers to Evap flow during a non-purge condition. This system helps the car contain dangerous fumes and therefore when such a code pops up on the code reader, a technician will help repair such a problem.
Code P0171: This code refers to problems related to oxygen sensor issues. A problem to do with the oil and fuel ratio is the issue here. It means the ratio of the fuel and air leaving the engine cylinders is not as is required. As such, when such an error pops on the OBD2 reader, a suitable technician will sort it out.