Multitasking on Nokia S40 phones

Have you ever thought of multitasking on Nokia S40 phone like in the Nokia S60???

Here’s the solution

First of all you have to hack you phone, and if you are not interested in hacking please leave this page now. Follow these steps to hack your phone:-

By reading this article you can gain more access to your Nokia than only Multitasking on Nokia.

  1. Download J.A.F software from here.
  2. Install J.A.F software.
  3. Run it through PKEY emulator.
  4. Close Nokia ovi suite and all other Nokia applications on your pc.
  5. Connect your phone with ovi/pc suite mode.
  6. Go to the BB5 tab in the J.A.F software.
  7. Tick on Read pp and click on Service and  save the file to your Desktop.
  8. Open the file with notepad.
  9. Change the values as follows

For s40 v3 phones change the value of 28th line to 2 from 1,that is “28 2″
For s40 v5 and v6 phones change the value of 48th line to 2,that is “48 2”

  1. Now tick update pp and click on service. Select the file you edited

Congrats now you have successfully hacked your phone.

Now, the multitasking:-

1.)            Extract the .jar file of the application with which you want to multitask.

2.)            Now find the file in that folder and edit it with notepad.

3.)            Add this to the file

Nokia-MIDlet-no-exit: True

4.)            Now you are all done, compress the folder to .jar


You are all set to go now you have everything done correctly.


  1. how to return to the previous state , that is the state before these steps, im sick of the rndis test in usb mode on every startup of phone


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