The 10 things you should never do with your smartphone

There are certain things that you should never do with your phone under any circumstances. Let this article serve as a ten commandment table for all Android users, and thus avoid unexpected problems or unpleasant surprises.

Nexus 5X

Do not use the screen lock

At a time when almost our entire life is contained in our phones, not making use of the lock screen can cost you dearly. Establishing a security code or a blocking pattern hardly involves effort and considerably increases the security of your terminal.

In the case of theft, this will help that the person who has the phone cannot make calls or access personal files. Once stolen you can lock the phone or try to locate it through the Android Device Manager.

The unlock pattern is easy to set up and increases the security of your phone.

Ignore phone updates

Failures of security, low autonomy, overheating, data connection errors. The solution to many of these problems are made through software updates, both the operating system and individual applications, so it is highly recommended to maintain Our updated phone.

Charge the phone via USB

Charging the phone by connecting it to a computer via USB is much, much slower than doing it through a plug. It is also advisable to check that the charger is working properly and that it is compatible with the charging technology of our phone.


Avoid loading your devices by connecting them to your computer.

Do not back up

The files, photos and other data stored on your computer can disappear forever if you lose your phone or it is damaged, so it is advisable to always keep all the files stored in our device stored on a computer or other device where they are safe.

Store all data in the cloud

Just like keeping all of our files on one phone can lead to problems, storing all the data in a cloud storage service like Dropbox or Google Drive can end badly. These platforms can be hacked, so our photos and personal files can end up in the hands of third parties. Remember to use applications such as BoxCryptor to increase security and make copies on physical media.


These applications are not always the best choice.

Leave the phone charging all night

Keeping in mind the improved autonomy of most phones, leaving the phone charged all night seems like a good measure to make sure we have enough energy to put up with the whole day. However, too long charges can cause our phone's battery to withstand less in the long term and cause heating problems.

An alternative to this is to leave the phone in plane mode at night to save the maximum amount of battery during that time. This will also prevent us from getting wakeful notifications in the middle of the night.

Do not protect the screen

If you do not like to use covers and covers on your phones, at least consider protecting the screen of your phone. Screen protectors provide protection against scratches, splashes, etc. Also, they are very economical.


The protective films are very cheap.

Use the terminal in wet environments

This rule is more important than it seems. A manufacturer may void the warranty if its examination determines that the terminal has been exposed to higher than normal moisture levels. The same thing happens with IP57, IP58 or IP68 certified phones, which are submersible but only up to one meter deep. But, if the exposure is different it could lead to more problems.

Do not delete compromised photos

We all received pictures of the depraved friend of the moment through WhatsApp or Messenger. These photos become part of our gallery automatically unless we establish the opposite. So, the moment you're showing holiday photos to anyone in the office, something unexpected may appear. Check the type of images you have saved or change the settings of the applications so that they do not become part of your gallery automatically.

Use the necessary measures to protect your images.

Buy a smartphone associated with a contract of permanence

Many things can happen in two years: losses, thefts, breakdowns Just do not do it. If you do not have the money to buy the phone you want. It is best to buy a cheaper one. You also need to compare specifications of available smartphones and buy the best fits you.

Do you agree with these ten commandments of the Android user?



  1. […] Manter o sistema operacional do celular atualizado é fundamental, uma vez que as atualizações de software podem corrigir falhas de segurança, melhorar a autonomia da bateria do aparelho e também trazer novas funcionalidades. Como os updates são liberados periodicamente, vale verificar a seção de atualizações do sistema com frequência ou programar a atualização automática. Vale lembrar que o processo pode levar tempo e reiniciar o celular algumas vezes, então certifique-se de realizá-lo apenas em momentos em que você não precisa utilizar o smartphone. É possível configurar as atualizações de smartphones para serem baixadas automaticamente — Foto: Reprodução/TechTudo Mesmo que o aparelho não apresente problemas, a falta de atualizações pode implicar falhas e problemas de desempenho. Celulares mais antigos podem perder suporte às atualizações, portanto, fique de olho nas listas divulgadas pelas fabricantes todos os anos. Atualmente, o aparelho mais antigo da Apple a receber atualizações é o iPhone X. Já fabricantes que utilizam Android têm cronogramas próprios, como a Samsung, que costuma atualizar os aparelhos por até quatro anos. Com informações de Slash Gear, Apple, Time, Digital Trends e Beetel Bite. […]


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