Instagram removes the "Following" tab from Activity section: Here's why

Instagram does away with the following tab in the activities section but it might bring a much-requested feature in exchange.

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Instagram removes the following tab from the activity section

Instagram is currently one of the most popular social media platforms. The Facebook-owned application is dropping a feature, whcih has been there since the introduction of the platform, the following activity tab. Yes, users will no longer get activity updates about their friends.

The tab was available right in the Activity section, which can be accessed by clicking on the heart icon on the bottom panel. This tab provided information about what your friends have been up to. The tab showed what posts have been a particular person or a group of people have been liking lately.

Commenting on this major change, Vishal Shah, Product Head Instagram, said, "People didn't always know that their activity is surfacing. So you have a case where it's not serving the use case you built if for, but it's also causing people to be surprised when their activity is showing up."

While Instagram has made the announcement today, the feature started disappearing for many users back in August. People brought this to various forums and assumed it was some sort of a bug that needs to be fixed.

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Meanwhile, the company is now planning to add a feature that has been requested by millions of users. The Instagram web is finally getting an option to access direct messages. This means that users will now be able to chat with their friends using the web interface of the application. Other social media apps like WhatsApp, Twitter and Hike already have such features.


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